
Tugas 1 - Project Concept & Management

By Adhika ID Pratomo, 5210100012
IS/IT Project Management class A

Have you ever in a committee or a team? You have some responsibility there for a goal. But you just involved until your goal achieved. So, you’re in a project. After a project done, you can’t get back in a phase for any reason. You may fix your mistake in another chance. Now, we just get a characteristic of Project, a creation or even re-creation of something we want to create with a parameter of responsibility termination. We can assume it as the definition of project.
So, is project different with operation? Management expert will say “Yes!”. Operation isn’t scheme that run-once-and-done like project. Operation has a repetition with any incremental variable value as the parameter. Different with project, for a result you want to achieve, you have to design, or you can re-design a scheme logically.
How do we make a well-planned scheme? How to make the scheme well-run in many aspects? For example, I’m now in information system majors. I got many lecture materials that will be important in my career later if I manage a project. So, there’s a discipline called Project Management, managing all aspect related that we call as Resources to solve a problem or accomplish a demand, like time, people, money, machine, etc.
Project Management experts realized that many complications of project management for a qualified product is just three. The 3 constraint are:
  • Schedule, competition in marketing is about who can get in to the market faster. When you lose it, the pioneer right now has plan another product that will substitute their product before. In cost view, more time elapsed means more money we spend. Fast production not always guarantees customer satisfaction when you don’t concern about quality event values. In some case, marketing division can determine moments will use as schedule of product release based on customer behavior observed.
  • Cost, one reason a product will faster accepted in the market is the price. Cheap or expensive price you offer is based on market you target. For example, cheap product for high-class customer will raises their doubts about your product. Simplest strategies in pricing is just set it cheapest you can without make you deficit and lose from competitor, you need any strategy in another aspects those make cost.
  • Scope, this applied in many aspects like marketing targets, production methods, human capital management, etc. You have to specify which focus you will use in each aspects you identified. You can’t covered it all, determined the best focus you can use for result/case/problem/demand you face.
In each constraint above need strategies to face them. After we realize why we need any strategies, let we know some simple way to arrange a strategy.

  1. Analyzing the Environment. Most popular tool to do this step is SWOT—Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats. There is other tool for more specified environment analysis covers PESTEL—Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technology, Environment, and Legal.
  2. Planning the Direction. Before you design your strategy, your organization must have a value or vision. In strategy building after, it was the indirect requirements in project strategy goals.
  3. Planning the Strategy. After you have much reason to achieve something, describe it as a condition will be happened after. Remember, project have to have a parameter for termination, is it a results or goals.
  4. Implementing the Strategy. Just remember to monitor and control the strategy implementation.

So now, who is the main actor of project management? What role he/she play? We can call them as Project Manager. Many roles he/she play in one time. But, many project management experts said that it’s NOT TRUE for project manager come from related technical background. As the Team Leader, so their soft-skill of teamwork and leadership are important. Based on project management strategy characteristic, analysis skill will affect creation of solution, so it means project manager would be someone broad-minded and open-minded.


Cadle, J., & Yeates, D. (2008). Project Management for Information Systems. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.
Hallows, J. (2005). Information System Project Management. Saranac Lake: AMACOM.

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